High Rate Performance – Resolution and Throughput
Many X-ray spectroscopy applications, especially on synchrotrons, require detectors which perform well at high count rates (several Mcps). As well as being a fundamental feature of SDD design, high rate capability is dependent on the whole detector system, including the pulse processor. A low capacitance charge collection and integration stage is very important to enable the detector system to be operated successfully in the high rate regime. RaySpec SDD detectors are equipped with either a low capacity FET or a CMOS ASIC (‘CUBE’) readout device.

The chart above shows the improved resolution at short Peaking Times (conventional pulse processors) offered by the CUBE ASIC device compared to a JFET (same SDD sensor).
All RaySpec detectors are fully compatible with the latest generation of ultra-fast digital pulse processors, for example from XIA LLC (www.xia.com) and Quantum Detectors (www.quantumdetectors.com). Using these types of processors, RaySpec detectors may be operated at input rates of >3Mcps.