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Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) for EDS Analysis

The SiriusSD® range of Silicon Drift Detectors are designed to be compatible with all commercially available SEM and TEM systems and effortlessly interface with standard pulse processing electronics.
Although primarily an OEM product, the SiriusSD EDS detector can also be configured as a Si(Li) replacement on most end-user installed EDS systems.
The SiriusSD® SDD provide exceptional and stable performance over a wide range of count rates (up to >1Mcps input rate).

The detector output is fully adaptable to provide optimised input directly to most analogue or digital pulse processing systems. The SiriusSD silicon drift detectors operate with a single power supply unit and can be supplied with or without a digital pulse processor. All of our SEM and TEM SiriusSD® models are vibration free and supplied with vacuum interface for any commercially available SEM and TEM.
The SiriusSD® SDD provides
- Industry standard signal output
- Compatible with most existing pulse processing systems
- Reliable peltier cooled design
- Low noise, excellent resolution, high rate capability
- Single and multi-sensor products
- Electron trap standard on sensors (SEM)
- Optional translation stages / manual slides
- Various collimation option
- Available in standard or compact models
SDD Detector options for EDS Analysis

Detector window options – for further information on the transmission curves of the window materials, click here
RaySpec also offers the DX200 Digital Pulse Processor, which provides excellent overall system performance when paired with a SiriusSD EDS detector. The DX200 is USB controlled with spectrum transfer available via USB or real time event by event data presented directly at a 20-way parallel port. The DX200 utilises a fast 16bit 40Mhz ADC and has fast recognition circuits for excellent pile-up rejection. It is bundled with Control and Data transfer software.